Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Goodbye dictators. Adiós. Arrivederci. Au revoir.

This has been probably the most entertaining class and best vacation from the mess of Commerce classes I have been so used to. Let’s face it, there’s nothing to laugh about in Accounting, jokes about debits and credits just don’t have the same appeal.

First, I’m going to take some time to defend the Wikipedia project. I do agree to some extent, that is has been a pain in the behind. But at the same time, I found it quite enjoyable. I actually do feel like I’m accomplishing something, doing something good for the world. Call me lame, fine. It could also be because I’m the type to not be satisfied until I have completed something fully. So how determined I am to get FA, but those darn Commerce projects just keep getting in my way. Careful, now is when you will realize how lame I really am. I think, to be completely utterly honest, after I finish this project, hopefully getting to FA, I will probably check back on the page from time to time. And every time I see that tiny little star on the top right corner, I will smile. Though I can say for sure, I probably won’t make any other edits because it is starting to get a tad bit annoying.

As interesting as it’s been, I have to say I think I’ve had enough of dictator novels. I am beginning to get mixed up between the novels as to what happened where, it’s all becoming a jumble of violence, sickness, opposition, control, and betrayals. Speaking of betrayals, The Feast of the Goat. I’m about 50 pages from finishing, it’s definitely intriguing but I think it’s one of those books that lose its flavour after the first read. The suspense just disappears once you find out what happens. Last comment about the book and its vulgarity: double yuck and shame on Trujillo and Cabral.

I’ve enjoyed the ride that is this class. It’s been fun. Remember way back when, when we had a dictator election. Oh good times. Thanks Jon. And thanks to all the cynics in the class, it wouldn’t have been the same without you.

Oh, and I still <3 Bolívar. (Though I’m beginning to dislike the book, darn Wikipedia.)

1 comment:

Jon said...

Heh. Who's forcing you to do Commerce, then, eh? ;)

And I'm sorry I spoiled the ending of The Feast of the Goat but, y'know, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Now let's get you that little star!